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Please note that our current exhibition Spiral Time will be closed on Thursday, July 4.

— Hot Picks: 2023

Seyhr Qayum

Artist Website

Seyhr Qayum (b. 1991) is a multidisciplinary artist, whose practice sits at the intersection of fashion, capital, and gender+postcolonial politics. As a Pakistani-American, Muslim woman whose identity is informed by oft-contradictory cultures, her work explores how adorning one’s body can be a feminist act of resistance—a reclamation of space. 

She has exhibited her artwork internationally in addition to in the U.S., including in the U.K., Pakistan, and Japan. She is the recipient of the Stutzman Foundation Award for Three-Dimensional Work, 2022, and is an AICAD Post-Graduate Teaching Fellow, 2023-24. Qayum has been an artist-in-residence at Chautauqua Institution, NY, and Ato Nexus, Tokyo. She holds a B.F.A. from Boston University, MA, and an M.F.A. from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY.

