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Please note that our current exhibition Spiral Time will be closed on Thursday, July 4.

— Studio Artists: 2012

Shana Moulton

Artist Website

Shana Moulton earned her BA from University of California, Berkeley in Art and Anthropology and her MFA from Carnegie Mellon University. She has been an artist-in-residence at the LMCC Workspace Program, The Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Harvestworks, De Ateliers in Amsterdam and The Sommerakademie in Berne. Moulton has exhibited or performed at The New Museum, MoMA P.S.1, Performa 2009, The Kitchen, Electronic Arts Intermix, Art in General, The Andy Warhol Museum, The Wexner Center for the Arts, Wiels Center for Contemporary Art in Brussels, The Migros Museum in Zurich, De Appel in Amsterdam, Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo, The Times Museum in Guangzhou, and The 29th Ljubljana Biennial. Moulton’s work has been reviewed in the Village Voice, Artforum, the Brooklyn Rail, The New York Times, Artnet Magazine, Frieze Magazine, Artpress, and Flash Art. Her work has been featured on Arte TV and Art21.

As an INFJ (Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging) (Myers-Briggs), I live in a world of hidden meanings and am more interested in what is possible than what is actual. I prefer having a vivid imagination over having a strong hold on reality and my supernormal intuition can take the form of visions or uncanny communications with certain individuals at a distance. My ARTIST (Dominant Introvert Abstract Feeler)(Spark) aspect allows me to have a rich inner life that often turns the real world into a prison of foolishness and embarrassment. The Abstract-Random (Gregoric) side of me is not inhibited by logic and gives me a colorful, flighty, media-oriented persecutive on things. Finally, as a Type 4:Artist (Riso-Hudson) I enjoy probing issues like femininity and pop culture with open-ended playfulness, fantasying and exploring the potential of non-linguistic communication.
