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— Hot Picks: 2019

Parastoo Ahoon

Artist Website

Parastoo Ahoon was born in Iran in 1980. Ahoon received her Masters in Fine Arts at Boston University in 2013. She works in sculpture, installation, mixed media, video, and performance. Ahoon participated in several international art contests held in Tehran, Antalya, Baroda, Seville, New York, London, Changsha and Venice amongst others. She exhibits her work internationally at galleries and art fairs including Tehran and Dubai. Before moving to the United States, she worked with the city of Tehran installing two public works incorporated into the urban landscape. Ahoon was member of the exhibitions committee of the Iranian Sculpture Association from 2008 to 2011. Her recent work has been shown at the Venice Biennial and Athens Biennial in 2016. Parastoo is now living and working in New York City.
